The Essex Militia, 1642 - 1659, Mars is rampant
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The Essex Militia English Civil War Living history page,

The Essex Militia English Civil War Living history page
Here is three examples from one of our English Civil War display's

  The Essex Militia English Civil War Living history page, Give FIRE!!
The Essex Militia give a demostration of Musket fire. These weapons are replicias of the Muskets used during the 1640's. We provide a volley using a mixture of matchlock and flintlock.

  The Essex Militia English Civil War Living history page, Some Civilains at work and play
As you probably know how difficult it is to stop the younger members dressing up. We, in the Essex Militia, believe as Practical Historians, that it is right to involve the complete family. Some of our younger members are playing games used during the period whilst older members prepare food.

  The Essex Militia English Civil War Living history page, Inside a Country house. We sometimes have the privelege of working inside some period houses. Here members are recreating a kitchen from the mid 1640's. The recipes are based on authentic records and we try to also used the same cooking methods.